Our mission is to entertain and inform. Our articles are focused on entertaining news, practical tips, and community discussion.
If you want to submit to Portster, please click here.
Founded November 2018.
Media inquiries
General contact
Portser is a digital publisher of original and classic content, operating through our online magazine at www.Portstr.com. Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Portland, Maine, we are proud to publish, publicize, and promote excellent, interesting, engaging, and useful content in the form of articles, videos, and photos. We also operate a games section, to keep your fingers busy, as well as a shopping channel that informs about unique products and connects readers with our
For a directory of our company, please click here. If you wish to contact us for any reason, please email contact@portstr.com. Otherwise, please enjoy the copious content through any of our editorial sections...
Portser works with individual brands to engage directly with target audiences. We're happy to offer special coordinated ad campaigns, site takeovers, on-page branding, and in-post feature content. Please email advertise@portstr.com to discuss advertising options on Portster.
Media Requests
Members of the media seeking to contact the Portster offices to discuss new articles, feature content, editorials, opinion and discussion pieces, or media or distribution partnerships, please email us directly at contact@portstr.com and we'll be in touch promptly.Submit work
We always welcome submitted content from our audience of readers, whether in the form of comments, opinion and discussion pieces, expert articles, or trending news. We have no strict criteria for submitted pieces, though our editorial board may decline from publishing pieces that lack coherency, lack community interest, are untrue or unsubstantiated, because they contain profanity or express discriminatory views, or for other reasons.
If you would like to submit a piece, please ensure it is original and accurate, and that you have the right to publish the content and any video or images that may accompany it. Please also include a brief email introducing yourself.
Submission can be emailed to submissions@portstr.com along with any additional material.